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November 08, 2011


Margaret Baptist

I took away the thought that Young Jean Lee had offered us a look at her church experience when she was a little girl. To me the play was her attempt to make sense of all that had gone before by ferreting out the reverance from the misinterpretation that a child would have in an evangelical atmosphere. Enjoyed it from that perspective. Don't see the need to get upset, etc. etc.
Thanks for taking the chance.

Robert T

During the performance I kept thinking that this service was not like any I had ever been to before (and I attend church services on a regular basis). My assumption is that the play represents what church looked like to Young Jean Lee as she was growing up. If the play depicts how she and her peers feel about the church it is understandable why they have such a low opinion of Christianity. I would too if it were an accurate depiction. I'm glad is isn't and humbled to think that there could be such a great misunderstanding.

Thanks for the thought provoking play.

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